7. Riding Without A Helmet
Obviously this isn’t about Tom Cruise riding without a helmet as he is still alive, for now. But this is about the possible consequences of riding a bike without a helmet. During a protest ride against helmet laws in New York (surely the irony is already beginning to present itself), a fifty-five-year-old man, for some reason driving at 144kph (90mph) in the event… had an accident. The accident involved the man fish-tailing, flying over his handlebars, and hitting his head on the pavement. Obviously, going at such a high speed, and thankfully proving the point of helmet laws, the man did not survive the blow to the head. Strangely enough, according to his brother, the man would have done the whole thing over again. Apparently that’s the way he would’ve wanted it. Not sure why one would want to cave in their head again, driving without a helmet on a motorbike at break-neck speed, but perhaps that’s just the genetic defect in the deceased’s brother talking. Either way, those helmet laws are important Mr. Cruise. It may not be illegal to be a crazy Scientologist, but it is to ride without a helmet.
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