Prophet Dominic Michael, who heads the Celestial Church of Christ, Jesusegun parish, Santana bus stop in Ajangbadi, was arrested alongside the deceased’s lover, Ifeanyi Eyinna, who took her to the church for healing.
In church, Prophet Michael prayed for the sick woman then gave her some concoction to ingest. After taking the potion, she reportedly slumped in front of the church.
The prophet initially denied giving the deceased any concoction but later admitted after Ifeanyi insisted he did.
Prophet Michael said:
I only gave her a mixture of lime and honey, because she was coughing and then asked her to go home. Moments later, I heard people screaming outside the church. By the time I rushed out, I met her on the ground.
The concoction has been taken for forensic analysis and the corpse has been deposited in a mortuary for an autopsy, while a sample of the concoction has been sent to a laboratory for analysis.