Apart from his controversial daughter, Moyosore Afolabi, who he allegedly got from a lady who hails from Isara Remo, Ogun State, not many is aware that versatile Yoruba actor, Murphy Afolabi has another grown up daughter. The girl’s name is Fathia Afolabi, and she recently completed her primary school education.
However, the actor, who is in the right frame of mind shown his gratitude about the success of the girl on social media with below message,
“Glory be to God for making my daughter growing up gradually from primary school to secondary school. Today is another day of celebration, her first end of the year party in her new secondary school. May God continue to guide you and protect you any evil will not befall you. My pretty damsel Fathia Afolabi u shall grow up to fulfil your promises on earth. Amen.@fathia_afolabi”.