Most married couples begin their journey deeply in love and sexually inclined.
However, decades into marriage many spouses complain of rising boredom in the bedroom, saying the intensity has fizzled out. So if you consider the many fine qualities that your spouse brings to domestic life, but miss the intense passion you shared in the earlier stages of your love for each other, below are some ways to re-ignite your hot sex life with your husband or wife.
1. A break from PDA
That sensation that leads to continuous touching and cuddling feels calming, and it might signal that a couple is in the newlywed phase of a healthy relationship. So instead, tease a little and tempt him with your gaze, rather than automatically going for your guy’s hand. Imagine you are strangers on a first date. Savour the delicious shock of an unexpected brush of bare skin.
2. Hold the urge to be with your partner
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When you continue to honour your individual priorities and values, you will remain the mysterious creature he just had to approach years ago. Smoothing away varieties helps create a cozy connection, but distance and tension allow you to see your partner with fresh eyes like they’re a stranger.
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3. Body should do the talking
Verbal sharing may help a woman feel closer and more emotionally intimate with her man, but the benefit is often one-sided. Her husband may feel left out of the party without the follow-through of physical intimacy. Through sex, men can recover the pure pleasure of connection.