Nigerian Lady rescue house-help who lives in uncompleted building with her 3 children

Some things on the internet will restore one’s faith in humanity. Just recently, a Twitter user identified as Omohtee12 shared photos of a mother of three who lives in an uncompleted building and is susceptible to the harshest condition any human should face.

The unidentified woman was discovered by her boss, who she does chores for. According to Omohtee12, another Twitter user, Mariogaaa, who the lady worked for noticed that the mother of three had been absent from work for a while, she decided to pay her a visit to find out what the problem was, only to find the woman living in abject poverty.

She shared the photos of the uncompleted building where the woman resides with her three kids on social media while employing Nigerians to find a way to assist the woman and her children with better accommodation and nicer living conditions.

Many Nigerians immediately felt pity for the woman who they believe is a victim of tough circumstances plaguing most Nigerians. It was also said that the woman is subject to r*pe and has been helpless in the situation.

Marioga who confirms she is jobless, has no means of income but wishes to help the woman asks volunteers online via twitter to render assistance in anyway they can. Shortly after her announcement, donations came in with the first cash gift of N35,000.

More donations came through and they were able to get her an accommodation.

She also went ahead to share the receipt for the accommodation.

And they were able to buy a mattress and few other things for the new house.



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