Czech Republic offer Nigerian 4000 Euros to leave their country

Czech Republic who launched a new return program, will be paying Nigerian migrants to leave and never return to their country.

The new program called ‘Returns’ which will be established by the country’s Interior Ministry, focuses particularly on migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Mongolia, Russia and Vietnam. The report claimed that the Czech republic promised to pay Nigerian immigrants and their counterparts from Afghanistan, Iraq, Mongolia, Russia and Vietnam €4,000, if they voluntarily decide to leave and never return.

The money is expected to fund the migrant’s transportation costs, integration in their country of origin including accommodation, household equipment or domestic animal expenses.

“Each individual could get funds ranging between 40,000 and 100,000 CZK. First funded returns should be processed in the third quarter of 2019,” the report read.

“The program focuses particularly on migrants Anyone who voluntarily leaves the country and promises not to return not only to the Czech Republic but to the EU, will be eligible for the money.

“Returns is supposed to help them fund transportation costs and integration in their country of origin including accommodation, household equipment or domestic animal expenses.” further quoted the Czech Republic  interior ministry as saying the programme will be suitable for all categories of foreigners, including those “legally in the country, illegals and asylum seekers”.

“Allocation for the program amounts to 60 million CZK, 75 percent is to be covered from the European Asylum, migration and integration fund,” it said.

It was further gathered that similar programs are already underway in other European states and they aim to encourage migrants, who are unwanted in the respective country and would not be granted asylum to leave.

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