When you start having unexpected responsibilities and pressure that make you get scared of going to work, you’re most likely not far from job stress and career dissatisfaction.
A study titled Workplace Stress and Anxiety Disorders Survey has shown that 72% of people who have daily stress report that it interferes with their lives.
If you have a job that stresses you out, it’s important you identify what exactly causes stress in the job before you make effort to manage it. Below are five ways your job could stress you out.
1. Overworking
When your boss likes to involve you in every big project, you might need to spend a lot of time at the office or be forced to take work home with you. If this happens frequently to the point that you no longer sleep well, you might get stressed out.
When you notice this, don’t wait for it to break you before you start taking care of yourself. If your job gives you too much to handle and you’re feeling the weight on your health, discuss it with your boss and try to take a break. This could help you refresh and bounce back better.
2. Job insecurity
Thinking about an impending layoff is stressful. If you are constantly nursing a fear that you’ll lose your job, you may get stressed and that’s dangerous for your health.
However, since the fear of getting dismissed is giving you a nightmare, it’s better to be proactive before you become jobless. Having a plan in place or getting another job before the impending sack could relief you of stress.
3. Career dissatisfaction
If your career doesn’t match with your work values, personality type and interests, you’re not likely to be happy with your career direction. But instead of staying unhappy and doing nothing about it, you can easily change your career and look for a job in which your skills and values would be more appreciated.
4. Conflict with your boss or colleagues
Good relationship with your boss and colleagues could increase your productivity, but if you constantly have issues with them, you may not enjoy your job and that may give you a career headache. Just try your best to resolve conflicts to improve your relationship with your co-workers.
5. Job dissatisfaction
Working in an environment where your skills and abilities are not fully utilized or working in a workplace where you don’t have the right skills can be frustrating.
However, to manage this kind of job stress, you might have to quit the job. This might be an extreme action but trust me, it could be the best option.
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