Graduating from a university or polytechnic is honestly a struggle that throws you into another struggle.
Once you get your degree certificate, a new reality will hit you and you definitely have to face it. At that point, you might have to forget about your campus life and begin to adjust to a new social life and financial responsibilities. Here are three struggles you’ll most likely face after your graduation.
1. Adjusting to a new environment
For many Nigerian graduates, the plan after graduation is either to go for their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), start their MSc program immediately or travel out of the country. Wherever you decide to move to will definitely feel strange at first. Whether you’re moving to a new city or you’re travelling to continue your studies abroad, it’ll surely take a little while for you to adjust to the new environment.
2. Getting a new group of friends
It’s easy to make friends on campus where you’re surrounded by class and course mates, but that’ll no longer be the case once you graduate. Leaving your campus friends to face the next stage of your life can be daunting because you’ll have to make new friends that may not have anything in common with those you spent lots of good times with on campus.
3. Figuring out the next step in your career
Another struggle you’ll have to face after graduation is getting a job and figuring out which career path to take. And whether you accept your first job out of desperation or you get the job of your choice, it’s important to start thinking about your career and begin to sharpen your skills towards it.