A woman has taken her ex-boyfriend to court after he leaked her nude images on various social media platforms. The woman identified as Daphne Chikona from Mandara, Harare in Zimbabwe, approached a civil court where she was seeking a protection order from her ex-lover Tonderai Chigundani who she alleged had leaked her nude photos.
In making the application, Daphne told the court,
I am now ashamed. I can’t even face my neighbours, friends and churchmates because of what he is doing.
Ever since we broke up he has been spreading my pictures to social media groups and sending to everyone I know. I once reported him to the police for defamation of character but he never stopped.
She also told the court that her relationship with her current boyfriend was now in jeopardy due to Chigundani’s actions.
Chigundani admitted to leaking the nude images saying that he had been angry when he did so. He also agreed to stop sending the explicit images. Said Chigundani,
I am going to stop exposing her pictures…She disappointed me that’s why I tried to revenge.
Magistrate Tafadzwa granted the protection order in Chikona’s favour.