Nigerian comedian Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, popular known by his stage name Ali Baba, has shared his two cents on ladies showing off luxurious and expensive lifestyle on social media.
The comedian shared his opinion in a lengthy post on Instagram. Ali Baba expressed that small girls big god (ladies who get special favours from rich men) are putting hardworking ladies under pressure.
According to Ali Baba, the ‘small girl gods’ usually show off their expensive lifestyles on social media by posting photos of private jets, expensive cars, items and luxurious vacation spots, paid for by rich men.
Ali Baba further noted that some of these ladies wear clothes worth millions of naira, and they don’t have a N200,000 salary job. He stated that the Lagos Internal Revenue Service would be coming for them soon.
He expressed that the tax agency would demand they pay tax since they can afford to live such expensive lifestyles.
The comedian asked the young ladies to stop putting fellow ladies under pressure with their lifestyles.
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