Recently, Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh gifted a social media troll N50,000. As shown in a screenshot shared by the screen diva, the Instagram ‘bully’ begged the celebrity for money.
Upon stumbling on the comment, Tonto taunted the individual for asking for money despite all the insults he or she regularly hurled at her. Then, she asked the person to send an account number.
When Tonto sent the money, the troll extended her appreciation to the actress. See the dialogue below:
Many fans reacted to what Tonto Dikeh did for this troll. See some of the reactions below:
mbabylast: “I love your heart, honestly I felt stupid for insulting you too, but I just realized how cool and cute your heart is, the truth is no one really understands you, no one care to reason with you, no one knows the pain you pass through, no one knows what it feels like, all the society do is Condemn instead of giving you a listening ear, you’re a strong woman may God bless you and give you all the happiness you lost,I love you.”
bae77198: “How do people do it? Insult someone and stil beg the same person? Na wa o.”
vanessa_stinko: “Saw you y’day and you are a complete different person from what social media makes you looks like. You simple, a mother and a sweet heart.”
socrazykool: “Nigerians hate you until you give them money . Then they still hate you but stop being too loud about it.”
nuhuasabe: “Wow! 50k for always insulting u. U have a good heart.”