Actress Chika Ike took to social media on August 23 to share some incredibly gorgeous photos of herself. Looking stunning in her all-white outfit, the thespian wrote: “What does beauty mean to you?”
A few hours later, the Harvard graduate returned with a motivational speech that inspired her fans. She wrote; “Growing up I never saw myself as beautiful because I got bullied a lot by some people who were personally disturbed and drew strength from making others feel bad about themselves. But as I grew older I started appreciating my unique beauty and understanding what beauty really means because I got to understand our definition of beauty differs from one another.
What I see as beautiful might not necessarily be another’s definition of beauty. Beauty runs deeper than the superficial while to others it’s superficial, some it is confidence, some it is naivety and to some its more of the intellectual type of beauty and it goes on and on. With these findings, I came to the conclusion that beauty is in the eye of whoever is beholding it as the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder “. Everyone is beautiful in their special way, our imperfections make use uniquely beautiful. I am beautiful, you are beautiful and everyone is beautiful. There isn’t a yardstick to measure beauty because it can’t be quantified or measured. Stay positive, embrace you, love you and live your best life! You really have only one life!”
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