Controversial Nigerian actor, Uche Maduagwu took to his social media page, described Naira Marley as the spiritual child of legendary Afrobeat singer, Fela Anikulapo, because Naira Marley is a reflection of what Fela stood for.
He made this known via his official Instagram page on Friday.
He wrote:
“@nairamarley Is the 21’st century #FELA, the spiritual child of a great music legend… #NairaMarley is the only Nigerian singer that Baba Fela will be smiling and rejoicing over right now. Finally, there is someone whose leg can fit into his great shoes. @nairamarley is not just a #singer, no, his #music is also spiritual, its a reflection of almost everything Fela stood for and more. Its not about what he smokes, but about how he connects easily with the #Nigerian youth, forget about the vulgarity in his #songs, the spirit that flows deeply from the fountain of his #lyrics is everything that makes him a legend and a voice for the youth across.”
See below: