Nollywood actor Jim Iyke has taken to Instagram to proudly share pictures of him and his son touring the whole of Paris. In the pictures, the 43 year old was seen carrying his son on his shoulders and showing him the Eiffel tower.
He captioned the pictures;
After weeks indoors, my guy tested a little freedom and decided to run away from home.
Recall that in 2019, the Jim Iyke announced the arrival of his son on Instagram.
” Welcome home King.
I cant find the right words now. Every being in me is pulsating with raw primordial energy.
A Lion beget a Lion.
Welcome to my Pride, dear son.
Thank you for choosing me to be your Papa.
Thank you lord for yet another blessing this year. I don’t know what I’m doing right to deserve it all.
It takes a man to bring a child home. It takes a community to raise him.
My people please welcome my king. ” Jim wrote.