Veteran actress, Sola Sobowale, Sotayo gaga and other Nollywood A List celebrities took to the comment section of fast rising actor, Bolanle Ninalowo to appreciate and admire the cute family picture she shared on his official Instagram page.
Sharing a picture of himself, his beautiful wife and two adorable kids, the 40 year old wrote “G.L.O.R.I.F.I.E.D”.
In the picture, Bolanle was see twinning in same outfit and same shoes with his little boy, while his wife and daughter wore the same red outfit and too. The smile on their faces in the picture is an evidence that the family is a happy one.
See picture below;
Nollywood celebrtities who could not hide their thoughts decided to express how they feel about the picture.
See some comments below;
solasobowale wrote “Jesus is Lord.Gbefun”
iyaboojofespris wrote “💥💥💥💥”
kayodepeters1 wrote “Perfectly beautiful ”
mimiorjiekweng wrote “Sooo cute”
ifeanyikalu1 wrote “This is so beautiful”
eniola_badmus wrote “Kolotiti’s familia”
mhiz.lolyz wrote “I love this family because am a makanakian”
realchidimmaaneke wrote “God is a good God”