Fast rising, successful Nollywood actor, Alesh Ola Sanni, took to Instagram to share the story of his life and how he became a millionaire. The American based who is obviously tired of people running to him for help, was forced to narrate how he put his pride aside and worked hard to be where he is today.
According to Alesh, he made his first million through carpentry work and washing of toilets in United states of America. He however disclosed that he his happy and living his best life now because he hustled hard for his money.
Tired of friends coming up with different stories every time, do something, use that little amount to start something, don’t wait for anyone, let them laugh at you, let them say shit about you, they will surely be proud of you when you make it big .. don’t be ashamed of your hustle.. it’s not easy but we surely Gonna make it …. I made my first million in 2016, carpenter work wey I no learn from Lagos, I reach USA Dey carry chairs, hammer on different chairs, cleaning toilets… got back home and spent all .. omg I sharpaly japa come back to hustle .. this is me today …. extremely proud of my hustle.. I don’t have it all yet but yoooo …. I’m super happy, living the best life for now … don’t let all you see on gram weigh you down, all aren’t perfect as seen …Do something today… BE PROUD OF YOUR HUSTLE…
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