My ordeals in the hands of my abductors, recounts Anambra kidnap victim

Anambra-born kidnap victim relives his experience in the hands of abductors

For Mr. Ejike Ejidon of Anaku, Ayamelum local government area of Anambra, it was indeed a miraculous survival.

Mr. Ejike who was said to have been abducted on June 1, 2024, by daredevil kidnappers said it was  an experience he will not forget in his life time.

Narrating his ugly experience with WITHIN NIGERIA after his eventual release on June 8, he told our reporter that it was a horrible experience nobody should wish an enemy.

Front view of Ejike’s rescued car

According to  him, his SUV RX 330 was recovered during military face off with the kidnappers that allegedly camped in Igbariam -Achala farm.

Mr. Ejike Ejidon told our reporter that he was kidnapped at Otoko Junction in Awkuzu Oyi Local Government Area of Anambra State.

According to him four suspected kidnappers blocked his vehicle on May 1, 2024 on his way to a hotel where he lodged in Awkuzu.

It was also gathered that he was driving his car when the kidnappers, who were armed with AK-47 rifles, waylaid and forcefully dragged him out of his car.

Ejike said he was not sure if they targeted him, considering that throughout his 7 days in their camp, they were busy bringing more victims every night, calling their relations for ransom.

In his words, “When I stopped my car, four of them dragged me to the back seat and subsequently guided me to the bush.

“They had to drag me, and in the process, I sustained some wounds on my legs.”

The victim said motorists plying the road could not wait to help him. However, he said the kidnappers communicated in Ebonyi dialect except one who was hiding his identity with Omabala (Anambra) dialect.

“These kidnappers usually divide themselves into two during operations. Two persons usually move ahead of others with motorcycle and communicate constantly about the condition of the roads to the second group who are usually more armed and also move with vehicle.”

Asked where he thought he was taken to, Ejike stated that “the camp is suspected to be located around Oye farm and the residents of the communities like Nando, Igbariam and Achala should be aware of the existence of such camp.”

On how much he paid as ransom, he said that he spent seven days with the kidnappers because they initially asked for N100 million as ransom.

Back view of Ejike’s rescued car

He equally said that he transferred 35 million from his account to their Opay account and when he exhausted his limit, his account officer, one Mr Pius Nchekeube was notified by his relative to block his Fidelity Bank account to stop further transactions and he did and this made it difficult for him to transfer more money to them.

Ejike said he overheard the kidnappers making calls of building materials for their houses but was not sure if they were extravagant because throughout his stay with them, he did not see them eat good food apart from indomie noodles and junk foods.

“I was surprised to see in the news that one of the kidnappers has been killed and my car had been recovered by the military in a gun duel.

“This is because I live in a far away Lagos. I had to send someone in Anambra to visit police station and he confirmed that apart from the plate number they changed that everything in the car was intact”.

The victim appealed to the government at all levels to find a lasting solution to the menace of kidnapping on Nigerian roads and added that it won’t be difficult to trace the account they used in collecting ransom from him but the frustration from the law enforcement agencies could not allow him to continue sponsoring the investigation.


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