New German foreign minister set to arrive in Warsaw amid mutual differences

New Germany foreign minister, Annalena Baerbock is set to arrive in Warsaw on Friday in a bid to meet her Polish counterpart, Zbigniew Rau amid their mutual differences.

In what will be her first visit to Germany’s eastern neighbour since her appointment, Annalena Baerbock and her counterpart have a similar view on Russian troops massing on the border with Ukraine.

However, their positions on the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline that bypasses Poland to supply Russian gas to Germany and on German reparations relating to World War II, are far apart.

As they continue to resolve that, another topic likely to be raised is the situation along the border between Poland and Belarus.

Refugees mainly from the Middle East and heading largely for Germany have been used as a political weapon by Belarusian strongman, Alexander Lukashenko.

This move has piled international pressure on Germany’s new coalition government over the pipeline, which is complete and has been filled with gas but awaits regulatory approval.

There are also differences within the government, with Baerbock, a member of the Greens, expressing opposition to the pipeline during the election campaign earlier this year.

Although, elements within the Social Democrats (SPD), the largest party, are in favour.

A poster campaign in Warsaw backing claims for war reparations has provoked controversy.

The posters show former German chancellor Angela Merkel, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the German ambassador to Warsaw alongside Adolf Hitler and Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels.

The campaign has been funded by a foundation with close links to Poland’s ruling National Conservative Law and Justice Party (PiS).

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