Eid-el-Kabir: IPAC urges Nigerians to renew faith in God, fatherland

The Inter Party Advisory Council (IPAC) has urged Nigerians to use the occasion of 2022 Eid-el-Kabir celebration to renew their faith in the Almighty God and their fatherland.

The council in a statement by its National Chairman, Yabagi Sani in Abuja on Saturday,  urged Nigerians to promote virtues and ideals that fostered unity, progress, development and advancement of the country.

He said that while the council congratulated all Muslims across the country as they celebrated the Eid-el-Kabir, it urged them to use the occasion to pray for peace, love, unity, tolerance and selfless service to the nation.

Sani said that Nigeria is in a difficult situation entangled in economic crisis, security challenges, deplorable infrastructure that had affected millions of citizens

“With prayers and collective efforts of patriotic Nigerians we shall surmount and overcome these challenges and build a great nation of future generations we will be proud of.”

Sani called on Nigerians to fully participate in the ongoing voter registration, saying your vote remained  your power to elect credible leaders who would run the affairs of the nation in the next four years.

“With improved technology and the commitment of all stakeholders in the democratic process every vote will be counted and count in all elections.”

He said that IPAC would not relent in advocating for free, fair, credible, transparent, acceptable, peaceful and inclusive elections.

Sani said the council would also resist retrogressive forces that impeded the nation’s emerging democracy through rigging, violence and vote-buying.

“ Surely, Nigeria will rise again and take its place in the comity of progressive nations.”

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