UNHCR cuts number of it’s operations due to funding shortfall

The United Nations’ refugee agency (UNHCR) funding shortfall has forced them to make cuts to a number of its operations across the globe

In a statement on Tuesday, the agency said that at least 700 million dollars in funding was needed before the end of the year.

They, however warned that the next round of cuts in assistance will be catastrophic for people in need.

The funding shortfall had already scaled back essential programmes, this includes Uganda, which is currently battling an Ebola outbreak and where the UNHCR was unable to procure enough soap and hygiene kits.

Water supply in camps had been cut in Chad due to fuel shortages.

While in Lebanon, 70,000 extremely vulnerable refugee families no longer receive their safety net help from UNHCR, said the agency.

This is real, immediate emergency call with people’s lives and livelihoods on the line,” UNHCR’s division for external relations director Dominique Hyde said.

Needs are rising due to a confluence of war and violence as well as economic and geopolitical crosswinds.

While donors have once again been generous, new wars especially in Ukraine and unresolved crises mean that funding is not keeping up with the needs of millions of the world’s most vulnerable people.

According to the agency, the “ripple effects of the Ukraine crisis” was affecting its ability to deliver equitably around the world.

The agency was particularly concerned about the funding gaps in the Middle East as winter approaches, while people displaced in other countries would also suffer.

Hyde added that, further suffering this year and 2023 can be reduced with swift international action.

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