Made Kuti recounts a funny incident that happened to him and partner on a flight

Made Kuti and Nedo Inedoye

Afrobeat singer, Made Kuti has recalled an incident where a man asked out his partner while he was there with her, terming it as evil.

Talking about the incident, he stated that it happened on a flight where he and his partner were expressing a public display of affection. He pointed out that instead of making the move himself, the man sent a woman dressed as a hairstylist to collect his partner’s number.

The 26-year-old Afrobeat singer thinks that move is evil, hammering on why anyone would see something beautiful and want to destroy it.

Made Kuti and his partner, Nedo Inedoye.

“Funniest thing just happened. A man saw me together with my partner on a flight holding hands, cuddling, etc. He sent one lady (pretending to be a hairstylist) to collect my partner’s number.

“The man just called. You can’t even trust women around your partner.”

While Made Kuti does not seem to be too happy with the move, his statement suggests he understands it as he made the excuse that his partner was beautiful.

“How you can see a happy couple and think about destruction is so evil. But I can’t blame him too much. She’s beautiful.”

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