Tongues wag as teen actress, Ifedi Sharon shows off mother in new video

Nollywood teenage actress, Sharon Ifedi obviously left netizens in awe and subsequently got comments rolling in after she shared a clip of her mother on the video-sharing app, TikTok.

The actress who is seen as one of the next-rated actresses in the Nigerian movie industry often shares dance and comic videos online to keep her fans entertained.

This time, it was a combo of her and her mother. In the video, the actress teased her mom a bit by making her position her hand like someone who was about to get a high five but she (Sharon Ifedi) backed off and began laughing instead. Her mom who felt played kept a long face.

Captioning the video, she wrote: “Oh no my mum is upset.”

Watch the clip below:

The video however spurred a lot of comments and questions from social media users who seemed shocked. Some asserted that her mother looks like a man owing to the way she dressed. She wore a yellow polo, masculine jeans, and sneakers.

Check out some comments below:

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