Being single dad easier than staying married to Korra Obidi – Justin Dean opens up to Daddy Freeze (VIDEO)

In a candid conversation with Daddy Freeze, Justin Dean bared his soul, revealing the intricate details of his marital tribulations with ex-wife Korra Obidi. He dished out comparisons, revealing how life went from dancing in matrimonial rhythm with the famous dancer to solo dad moves in the present.

Justin Dean, the estranged hubby of the US-based Nigerian dancer Korra Obidi, expressed that the journey of being a single father is notably more manageable than the complexities he encountered during his marriage to his ex-wife.

In a recent interview with Daddy Freeze, the American Chiropractor revealed that he initially anticipated that reentering the dating scene as a single dad would be more challenging.

However, reality has pleasantly surprised him, as he discovered that ladies appreciate a single dad.

He said,

“Being a single Dad is easier than the alternative [being married to my ex-wife]. I thought it would make dating harder but girls like a single Dad. They see a single Dad as responsible and family-oriented. Because a lot of guys here are not. I love it. Honestly, I love it.

“Being a single Dad is an important part of my life. Everything I do is for my kids. So, I work hard for them. I am a family man. I don’t like girls who don’t do anything.”


Dean’s marriage to Korra crashed in 2022 after he accused her of infidelity.

Korra officially announced her divorce from Justin in a Facebook post on November 19, where she stated that she was open to moving on in peace with her ex, for the sake of the children.

The single mum of two recently took to the internet to express her frustration about the escalating bills she’s shouldering solo, claimed Justin isn’t contributing to the costs of their children’s education.

However, in response to this, Justin Dean noted that public schools are completely free and tuition for them are usually paid for by the government through the taxpayer’s money.

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