Comedian Dee One accuses Nasboi of assaulting lady – VIDEO

Nasboi, the skit-making sensation, earned applause for his dynamic talent after he unleashed the chart-topping and viral song, 'Umbrella.' However, not everyone in the entertainment world, particularly Yhemo Lee and Dee One, is vibing with Nasboi's transition into music. Dee One took it up a notch, unleashing a barrage of unprintable names and accusing Nasboi of assaulting a lady

Nigerian comedian Dee One dropped a bombshell, accusing Nasboi, the skit-to-singer sensation, of assaulting a lady.

Nasboi, who recently ventured into music with the hit ‘Umbrella,’ now a TikTok anthem, found himself under scrutiny.

The brouhaha started when Yhemo Lee, a nightlife influencer, lauded Nasboi’s skit-making talent while taking a swipe at his foray into music. 

Dee One chimed in, supporting Yhemo Lee’s perspective and suggesting that Nasboi might not be ready for the limelight.

In retaliation, Nasboi hit back at Dee One, accusing him of hunger for attention and labeling him a bitter individual.

Dee One, responding to the skit maker’s remarks, refuted claims of seeking attention for clout.

Dee One, in viral video, didn’t hold back, branded Nasboi as “dirty,” “evil,” and “wicked,” while making serious allegations of assault against a woman.

In a bold stance, Dee One pledged to assist in ensuring justice for the aggrieved party.

His words;

“There is a strong sexual allegation against you. There is always time for everything, I knew this time was going to come

“You are dirty, you are evil, you are wicked. Doing wicked things to ladies but guess what? This lady in question is going to get justice.

“If you do not understand my person, it is fine but do not ever call me what I am not.

“You do not have the integrity and guess what? Your Alibi is also a popular person.

“This allegation is strong, I followed everything.

“You are evil, you are wicked. Evil person! And that lady is going to get justice by God’s grace.”




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