Drama ensues as Mummy Dollarz throws Aunty Ramota out of her house for refusing to greet her – VIDEO

Aunty Ramota's name has been dragged through the mud, facing allegations of swaggering with pride and flaunting her arrogance. The latest viral clip, where she got the boot from Mummy Dollarz's place for flat-out refusing to bend the knee and offer a simple greeting, is stirring up quite a storm online.

Oluwaseun Adebisi Adeyemi, also known as Mummy Dollarz, the mother of the skit maker and comedian Oluwadolarz, recently showed Ramota Adetu, the pint-sized yet fiery actress popularly called Aunty Ramota, the exit door due to her less-than-stellar behavior towards her.

In a widely circulated video, Aunty Ramota was captured at Mummy Dollarz’s residence, gearing up for a movie shoot.

Upon spotting her, the Skitmaker’s mother requested Ramota to kneel and greet her, a request vehemently rejected by the actress, sparked immediate reaction from Mummy Dollarz’s daughter, also present on set.

Aunty Ramota stormed away in anger, but Mummy Dollarz wasn’t having any of it. She forcefully pulled her back, insisting on a proper greeting, yet Ramota remained defiant.

Fueled by fury at her blatant disrespect, Mummy Dollarz promptly ordered her out of her house.

In a fit of annoyance, Aunty Ramota stormed out of her house and positioned herself outside the gate, seething with frustration.

Mummy Dollarz, donning a smile that barely concealed her simmering fury, approached her to continue delivering a scathing reprimand for her disrespectful actions.

She didn’t hesitate to relay Ramota’s behavior to her son, Oluwadolarz, who stormed the scene.

Following interventions from others on set and several minutes of persuasion, Ramota eventually yielded. She humbly knelt before Mummy Dollarz, offered a sincere apology and a respectful greeting.

The encounter culminated in a warm embrace between the two.




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