I will never leave my husband for having a child outside our marriage – Blessing CEO

Blessing CEO reveals her stance on polygamy

Controversial self-acclaimed relationship therapist Blessing CEO, has asserted that she would never contemplate leaving her husband if he were to father a child outside their marriage.

Addressing the commonly held societal belief that infidelity is grounds for severing a relationship, Blessing CEO declared her support for polygamy, pointing out that it is more honorable and dignified.

Blessing CEO

She claims that women who oppose polygamy are self-centered.

Blessing CEO stated that if she were married, she would not abandon her husband for having a child outside of marriage.

In the most recent episode of her TV show, “Moments With Blessing CEO“, she revealed that she is a big fan of the polygamous actor Yul Edochie.

She said:

Polygamy is dignifying for me, it’s honorable for me. Many women are just selfish. I support polygamy 100 per cent. I will not leave my husband because he has a child outside.

“I am a fan of Yul Edochie. I don’t see anything wrong in what he did by marrying two wives. He is an odogwu.”

In another episode of her podcast, Blessing CEO advised married men  that they don’t have to be biological father to accept a child.

In a viral video clip from the session, Blessing CEO advocated against married men conducting DNA tests on their children if they suspect infidelity from their wives.

She boldly asserted that men should accept children born from such situations as their own, regardless of biological ties.

She went on to encourage married men to engage in dialogue with their wives to navigate through such delicate situations, suggesting that mutual understanding and acceptance should prevail.

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