Patoranking’s recent encounter with King Sunny Ade at an event gets fans talking [VIDEO]

The enduring legacy of King Sunny Ade, a stalwart in the world of juju music, extends far beyond his melodic tunes and captivating performances. Revered for his timeless artistry and unwavering dedication, King Sunny Ade stands as a beacon of admiration and respect in the entertainment industry. One hallmark of his illustrious career is his remarkable humility and genuine warmth towards his younger colleagues, a trait that has endeared him to fans worldwide. Once again, this characteristic humility was on full display when Patoranking, a rising star in the music scene, paid his respects to the iconic musician. The heartfelt gesture from Patoranking, which involved a deep display of respect, garnered widespread applause from fans, who were quick to commend the young artist's recognition of King Sunny Ade's legendary status. In the wake of this touching moment, social media platforms buzzed with praise for both Patoranking's humility and King Sunny Ade's enduring influence. However, amidst the praise, some couldn't help but draw comparisons to another young artist, Ayra Starr, whose interaction with King Sunny Ade in the past had sparked controversy.

Nigerian music sensation Patrick Nnaemeka Okorie, popularly known as Patoranking, has recently gained widespread admiration from his fans for a remarkable display of respect towards veteran musician King Sunny Ade at a notable event.

A viral video circulating online captured the moment Patoranking approached the Afrojuju legend, promptly prostrating before him upon entering the venue.

At Yeye Funke Daniel’s 60th birthday celebration, Patoranking, upon spotting King Sunny Ade commanding the stage with his musical prowess, wasted no time in paying his respects.

The scene depicted Patoranking’s genuine reverence for the seasoned artist, a sentiment reciprocated by King Sunny Ade’s gracious response. Known for his elegant dance moves and enchanting melodies, King Sunny Ade warmly acknowledged Patoranking’s gesture, even offering praise to the young artist while humbly bowing in return.


The exchange between the two musicians struck a chord with fans, who praised Patoranking for his humility and genuine admiration. Furthermore, the video’s circulation sparked discussions online, with some drawing comparisons to Ayra Starr’s previous encounter with Sunny Ade, adding an intriguing layer to the conversation.


Recall the viral video that made rounds on Twitter, capturing Ayra Starr greeting Fuji legend King Sunny Ade and other dignitaries with a handshake instead of the expected gesture of kneeling.

Taking to her social media accounts, Ayra Starr promptly addressed the controversy, expressed regret for the cultural lapse.

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