How A Bag of Rice in My House Kept Increasing After We Paid Tithe from It – Pastor Paul Enenche

Pastor Paul highlights the importance of tithing

Pastor Paul Enenche, the founder of Dunamis International Gospel Church, recently shared an extraordinary experience involving a bag of rice that multiplied remarkably after his wife gave a tithe from it.

In a recent sermon, the clergyman reminisced about his early days with his wife, when they were dedicated tithers, earning a modest income of 30 Naira and giving 3 Naira as tithe.

However, during a challenging financial period, they decided to offer a portion of their rice supply instead. To their amazement, the rice never ran out, despite their repeated tithing.

Witnessing the continuous replenishment of the rice, Pastor Paul Enenche’s wife eventually decided to give away the entire bag.

In his words:

Until me and my wife married, she was tithing food; bag of rice. She’d remove one-tenth out of it and give it out. One day, we had a rice that could not finish; the more you fetch it, the more it continued. She became afraid in the end and dashed out the rest. What kind of food is this that wouldn’t finish.”

Reacting to the post;

nglatmrn said: “Pastors will preach everything and always skip Deuteronomy 14:22-29. Please in all you do, know how tithing works with this verse it will help you.”

NonyeKings noted: “The things of the spirit are foolishness unto those who are spiritually dead”

namedNameless added: “When you hear tales of the supernatural, it sounds like it’s made up coz it cannot be empirically explained.”

Drfarouk wrote: “Paying tithe is very important but not compulsory, but if you want God to enlarge your coast, you would have to pay tithe.”

Kings wrote : “There’s nothing that God can not do, I believe in miracles, but this particular one, I prefer not to speak 😁”.

Sammy_Ugonabo said: “What is this infatuation of Nigerian pastors with tithe? People that ordinarily don’t want to do anything in the Old Testament. Religious entrepreneurs.”

OdegheR wrote: “Nigerians and religious story I fear that’s why the country is not moving”.

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