I want to bless him – Jim Iyke searches for Good Samaritan who helped him survive under Oshodi bridge (VIDEO)

In life's unpredictable journey, amidst friends, family members, who turn away in times of need, destiny often sends a few chosen ones— mostly strangers ordained by fate—to teach profound lessons through acts of unexpected kindness, show us the true meaning of compassion. Jim Iyke learned this valuable lesson the hard way, and he's still reeling from the painful experience. After being betrayed and abandoned by those he trusted most, a kind stranger emerged as his Good Samaritan, offered a lifeline when all hope seemed lost. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Jim Iyke has embarked on a mission to track down this guardian angel, intent on showering him with blessings. Jim's story serves as a deep reminder that through the betrayal's rock bottom moments, a single act of kindness can ignite a spark of hope and restore faith in humanity.

The accomplished Nollywood actor and filmmaker, Jim Iyke, recently revealed his determination to track down and show gratitude to a kind-hearted stranger who once assisted him during a difficult time when he found himself sleeping under an Oshodi bridge many years ago.

In an explosive tell-all with Silicon African, the movie star laid bare the raw realities of his journey, recounting how multiple failures shaped his unwavering belief that success was destined to cross his path.

He didn’t hold back on sharing the gritty details of the highest-stakes gamble he ever dared to take in his lifetime, revealed the pivotal moment that defined his resilience and determination.

Jim Iyke described leaving the comfort of his parents’ home as his boldest risk, driven by the determination to make ends meet and strive for success. He departed with the expectation of staying with friends whom he trusted to reciprocate the care he had shown them.

According to him, one of his bossom pals, with whom he had shared nearly everything, from pocket money to meals and living space, betrayed him.

He said, instead of offering genuine support, his best friend relegated him to a cramped room at his parents’ house. To add insult to injury, Jim Iyke averred he was unceremoniously evicted late at night only days later.

The Nollywood star recounted how, after being turned away by almost everyone he considered friends, he sought refuge at his cousin’s place, but he wasn’t home.

Left with no other options, he found himself homeless that night and ended up sleeping under the bridge in Oshodi. It was there that he encountered a compassionate stranger who ensured his safety and well-being, providing him with money and all the necessary support.

In a heartfelt plea, Jim Iyke disclosed that this anonymous benefactor, identified only as Lateef, made an indelible impact on his life.

Expressing his earnest desire to reconnect, the actor lamented the futile attempts to locate Lateef, launched an impromptu search during the interview.

He fervently implored anyone acquainted with Lateef, particularly those frequenting Oshodi bridge, to facilitate the reunion.

Jim Iyke emphasized his heartfelt intention to reciprocate the kindness shown to him, reteirated his determination to transform Lateef’s life and bestow blessings upon him.



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