Veteran Actor Kanayo O. Kanayo blows hot, calls out Teen actress Angel Unigwe and her mum – VIDEO

Kanayo, a veteran thespian who's been in the game since Nollywood's inception, has witnessed the industry's evolution from its humble beginnings to its current glory. With a career spanning decades, he's seen it all - the highs and lows, the twists and turns. And when he senses any foul play, he doesn't mince words, tackling the issue head-on with unbridled passion. His latest video, laced with ire and indignation, suggests that Angel Unigwe and her mum have crossed a red line, provoking the elder statesman to issue a stern warning: he'll stop at nothing to disrupt any production that features her, come hell or high water! The drama that's about to unfold will be a spectacle to behold!

In a surprising and fiery outburst, Nollywood legend Kanayo O Kanayo ignited social media with a sensational video where he openly criticized Juliet Ifechi Unigwe, the mother and manager of his younger colleague, Angel Unigwe.

The veteran actor began by accusing Mrs. Unigwe of holding numerous movie producers to ransom, revealed that he had heard about her numerous misdeeds from other filmmakers she had allegedly ghosted as well.

Kanayo alleged that Mrs. Unigwe extorts money from these filmmakers and fails to honor her commitments. He revealed that he is the latest victim to fall prey to her unscrupulous tactics.

Detailing his grievance, Kanayo recounted a recent incident on his set. The movie legend said he had arranged for Angel Unigwe to work throughout the day, only for Mrs. Unigwe to storm onto the set at 9 PM, forcibly removing her daughter despite the agreed-upon time not having lapsed.

Kanayo viewed this abrupt action as a blatant breach of contract and a disruptive affront to the professionalism expected in Nollywood.

The actor didn’t stop there. He issued a stern warning to his colleagues, emphatically stating that any movie producer who hires Angel Unigwe without her completing her obligations on his project would incur his wrath.

He threatened to personally disrupt their productions until the proper procedures were followed.

Kanayo passionately stated that his drastic actions were aimed at addressing the widespread unprofessionalism that has crept into the modern Nollywood scene.


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