“Refund everyone their money”: Kanayo’s colleagues react, support actor’s threat to blacklist Angel Unigwe

Being blacklisted in the entertainment industry is not just a professional setback, is an erasure, a silent condemnation that strips you of your identity and silences your voice. It's a suffocating existence where your dreams are left to wither, and your passion is locked away in a cage of invisible bars. It's a heart-wrenching reality, a constant reminder that you are no longer welcome in the industry you once called home. And that's exactly what teen actress Angel Unigwe may face if Kanayo O Kanayo and other colleagues follow through on their threats to blacklist her over a breached contract. It's a dire consequence that could snuff out her promising career, leaving her in the dark, with her dreams reduced to ashes.

Colleagues are weighing in fervently in response to Nigerian actor Anayo Modestus Onyekwere, widely known as Kanayo O. Kanayo, airing his grievances on social media about the conduct of teenage actress Angel Unigwe and her mother, manager, Juliet Unigwe.

Kanayo O. Kanayo earlier expressed his strong dissatisfaction with how Angel, assisted by her mother, had failed to comply with the terms of their agreement, caused a disruption on his set.

The Thespian angrily shared that he’d heard rumors about Angel and her mother’s antics on other sets. He alleged that after getting paid, Angel’s mother abruptly pulled her daughter from a shoot at 9 p.m., despite an agreement to film until midnight.

KOK issued threat to blacklist the teen actress, urged other producers to avoid working with Angel Unigwe due to her mother’s alleged disruptive behavior.

Reacting to the controversy, popular movie producer Stanley OnTop took to his Instagram page to support Kanayo’s accusations.

He alleged that Mrs. Unigwe and Angel have made a habit of scamming Nollywood producers, collecting payments and then failing to honor their commitments. Stanley expressed his frustration with the AGN president and his team for not taking action on this persistent issue.

In his blistering post, Stanley warned Angela and her mother to refund all the producers they have left stranded, or face an escalated blacklist campaign

Stanley OnTop wrote;

“What Goes Around, So this actress Angel Unigwe will just collect money from producers and won’t do the job.

She and her mother,keep sc*mming Nollywood producers.,AGN won’t see this oo But if Ontop talk they will all gang against me. Ndi Ala Ala

Dear Angel Unigwe refund everyone their money or we set ring light for your matter, Onye Oshe Kparawo”


Actor Izutech also took to his page, expressing his outrage over Kanayo’s outburst and lamenting how these newcomers in Nollywood are the ones duping movie producers out of their hard-earned money.

Izutech staunchly supported KOK, urged him to go all the way in tackling his issue with Angel and her mother.


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