Pastor Agbala Gabriel is an ingrate – Aunty Ramota blows hot in viral video

Aunty Ramota is a lady who wears her heart on her sleeve, acting on her emotions without filter. She has a 'what have you done for me lately' mentality, quickly forgetting past favors and turning on anyone who rubs her the wrong way. Pastor Agbala Gabriel, her former benefactor, felt the full force of her wrath when she publicly lambasted him, labeling him an ingrate for a perceived slight that cut her to the quick. Aunty Ramota's tongue-lashing left many stunned, as to why the cleric is a victim of her 'shoot first, ask questions later' approach to conflict resolution.

Popular Nigerian actress Ramota Adetu, also known as Aunty Ramota, caused a sensation online with her blistering remarks aimed at Nigerian pastor and philanthropist Agbala Gabriel.

Agbala Gabriel, a cleric renowned for his crowdfunding efforts and his philanthropic initiatives in building homes for less privileged Yoruba actors, recently played a pivotal role in transforming Aunty Ramota’s life.

The pastor extended a helping hand to the petite actress, assisting significantly in the construction of her house up to a certain stage.

However, Aunty Ramota’s recent outburst directed at the pastor has left many bewildered, prompting widespread speculation about what could have soured their once-positive relationship.

In a dramatic and impassioned video, Aunty Ramota unleashed a torrent of accusations against Agbala Gabriel, alleging that he had maliciously instructed his supporters to halt donations toward her house project.

With palpable frustration, she asserted that she had personally financed significant portions of the furnished areas in her home with her hard-earned money.

The actress didn’t hold back, vehemently branding Agbala Gabriel an ingrate and expressing deep hurt over what she perceived as his betrayal of trust. She recounted how she had generously contributed financially to the cleric’s recent birthday celebrations, only to receive what she described as a cold and ungrateful actions from him

In a fit of anger, Aunty Ramota, placed a curse. Her intense rant was eventually diffused by those around her before it escalated further.


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