I was misinterpreted – Pastor Abel Damina fumes, clarifies his remark about God not being a Christian (VIDEO)

Abel Damina's seismic declaration, "God is not a Christian," reverberated like an earthquake through the religious community, stirring a maelstrom of emotions and igniting a battlefield of beliefs. When he encountered an article that twisted his profound words, he didn't just react — he erupted with a visceral fury, condemning it as a sacrilege against truth itself. In his impassioned sermon that followed, he laid bare the anguish of being misquoted, his voice trembling with the weight of misinterpretation. The cleric's steadfast commitment to clarity in the pursuit of deeper spiritual understanding didn't go unnoticed.

Abel Damina, the outspoken senior pastor of Abel Damina Ministries International, has angrily denounced online misinterpretations of his controversial belief that God cannot be confined to any single religion, particularly Christianity.

Recall that Pastor Damina, in his viral sermon, stirred controversy online after he chided Christian believers who thought Christianity was the only religion that could take one to paradise to discard their position.

He asserted firmly that God does not align Himself exclusively with Christianity, emphasized that even Jesus, during His earthly tenure, did not identify as a Christian.

In a scathing rebuttal to an online report on his controversial remarks, Pastor Damina delivered a blistering sermon where he directly confronted PUNCH newspaper, accusing them of gross misinterpretation.

With fervor, he read aloud the paragraph from their report that he denounced as false.

PUNCH newspaper wrote a misleading publication about me and it’s online”

“They wrote; “Popular pastor, Abel Damina, has explained why God is not a Christian while charging his congregations to stop believing that only the people who believe in Jesus will go to heaven.”

Pastor Abel Damina vehemently denied ever uttering such words, labeling the misquotation as a criminal act.

He went further, expressed a strong inclination towards pursuing legal recourse against those responsible.

Setting the record straight, Pastor Abel Damina clarified that he did not contest the idea that only Christians will make heaven.

Instead, he passionately asserted that God transcends labels like ‘Christian’. He  emphasized that belief in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, coupled with acceptance of the gospel, guarantees entry into heaven for adherents of any faith, be they traditionalists or practitioners of other religions.

In support of his stance, Pastor Abel Damina passionately anchored his beliefs in the scripture, offered a robust biblical perspective to substantiate his position.


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