What can you now use to insult me? – Shatta Bandle to critics after fixing teeth

Shatta Bandle Shows Off New Teeth

Social media influencer Shatta Bandle has unveiled his new set of teeth in a series of videos, showcasing his transformed smile.

With a confident and cheerful demeanor, he shared his excitement and pride in his new look.

When asked about the cost of the procedure, Shatta Bandle jokingly replied with an exaggerated figure, emphasizing his happiness and satisfaction with the outcome.

98 thousand million US dollars, stop playing.” In another video he said, “Now you see money is working… I spend my money with reason,“he said.

He also shared his personal story, revealing that he lost his teeth in a car accident a few years ago, and this was a significant step in his journey towards healing and self-care.

“I wasn’t born like this, I lost the teeth when I had a near-fatal car accident a few years back. I don’t want to remember this accident at all,”

“I don’t really care what people say about me. As a human being, if you don’t value yourself, then who would value you? So I’m always happy just doing my thing.”

Few months ago, a photo of Shatta Bandle’s wife had stirred up reactions considering his looks.

The small-sized star took to the popular social media platform to share a heartfelt post, showcasing the joyous union with his wife.

In a video that captured highlights from the wedding ceremony, Shatta Bandle demonstrated a more personal and emotional side, expressing his deep affection for his partner.

Despite his comical public persona, the footage revealed genuine moments of love and happiness as the couple celebrated their special day surrounded by family and friends.

The Instagram post not only featured glimpses of the ceremony but also included a touching message penned by Shatta Bandle to his newlywed wife.

In the heartfelt caption, he emphasized the significance of unity in a relationship, urging couples to support, build, and believe in each other.

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