Do2dtun speaks out on celebrities bringing private issues online

Do2dtun criticizes public airing of personal issues by celebrities

Do2dtun criticizes public airing of personal issues by celebrities

Nigerian media personality Oladotun Kayode, popularly known as Do2dtun, has voiced strong opinions on the trend of celebrities airing their private grievances on social media platforms.

Speaking at the 2024 TrendUpp Awards, Do2dtun expressed concern over the growing tendency for celebrities to seek justice online rather than through formal legal channels.

Do2dtun acknowledged his own participation in this trend, citing personal experiences that pushed him to share private matters publicly.

“Let me explain certain things, I’m in the same box as well. There are a lot of things that I might not want to speak about, but I understand certain things that sometimes we judge things based on what we just read. A lot of people in Nigeria don’t comprehend before they react. Think about it, this is someone that never even wanted to bring his family’s business online, check my record from day one. But imagine what it is to get justice in Nigeria. Let me tell you, I’m a living example of someone that has done everything right but guess what, some will rig that and the system is not helping you, it’s still wrong in our eyes. The guys that you’re supposed to call to do the right thing, they won’t do it, so sometimes people now take that same route when nobody is listening. If the justice system accommodates everyone, there are people in jail or prison for doing nothing. Before they even get a court date, it’s crazy. Before a judge can sign something, it takes three years, even for the littlest things so guess what, that’s what has created this kind of avenue. Even in places where they have a proper justice system, they still come online to talk about these things,” he said.


The media personality went on stress that if the justice system functioned effectively, fewer individuals would resort to airing their issues online.

Reflecting on his own challenges, including issues concerning his children and estranged wife, Do2dtun points out the desperation that drives individuals to seek public support when legal avenues fail to deliver timely justice.

“Take it to the bank, I did everything right by the law; I did every single thing that I’m supposed to do, go to court, I got the right court order, I got every single thing, the person disobeyed the order, there was a ruling for that, nobody is asking questions about what really happened but you know the funny thing, we don’t check before we react so when things go bad, we have some people who don’t even do the right thing, but I’m a living example of someone who did everything right. Sometimes, as we are growing, the system can frustrate us, so that’s why people take it out there and say maybe if someone listens to me.”

“Sometimes you speak your truth and somebody reaches out and says they can help you, let me see what I can do, let me see how this can work. However people choose to sort out their differences, it’s because if we had a proper justice system that attends to people at the right time, doing the right thing and then measures. This sounds crazy but as it is in Nigeria, if you wriggle your way through, it’s one of the countries you can take a child out at the snap of the fingers and nobody is looking at it so that’s why you see some people that you don’t like or people you think they sound crazy, you’ve empowered them to now fight for you because it takes nothing. Because if you go to the court and get justice right there, do you think people will be fighting for you online? There will be limited activists.”

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