I shouldn’t have said I don’t listen to other artistes’ music – Simi makes U-turn

Simi addresses backlash for saying she listens to only her husband, Adekunle Gold’s music

Following the backlash she faced over her comment about other Nigerian musicians, Simisola Kosoko aka Simi has made a U-turn.

Simi acknowledged that her statement was “weird”.

WITHIN NIGERIA reported that Simi during her recent interview stated that she doesn’t listen to other artistes’ songs aside from those of her husband, Adekunle Gold.

Her comment came as a surprise to netizens’ who accused her of being proud. Simi who seemed angry immediately responded, reemphasizing her earlier comment and criticizing the nature of certain interviews, and the toll it takes.

Singer Simi

However in a more recent post while reacting to the backlash, Simi on her official X, admitted that she should have approached the conversation thoughtfully.

The lengthy post reads:

“In hindsight, I should have had this conversation more carefully. I didn’t because I honestly didn’t consider that it could be something that might be considered as cocky. I have never been proud of it. I do not even see how it is something to be proud about.

“It was banter. In the wrong place. This is why I know I should have been more careful. It was a 2 hour interview with drinking and cussing, so I was chatting like I would with friends. It does hurt that whoever cut that clip and wrote that headline did it with intention. It is impossible to watch the entire interview and come away with the feeling that you would have watched the clip that everyone was sharing,”

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