Pastor Jerry Eze hits back at Critics claiming his miracles are staged (VIDEO)

Pastor Jerry Eze has faced many trials in his journey of faith, but none have tested him more than the comments of those who doubt the power of God. The Cleric faced the biting sting of skepticism, after performing miracles so profound it brought him to tears. Anchored in his purpose, the pastor dismissed their mockery, with faith that God’s miracles aren’t for show, but for those who truly believe, his eyes fixed on the higher purpose of God’s work

Jerry Eze, the visionary Founder of Streams of Joy International and the driving force behind the wildly popular New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration online movement, has unleashed a powerful retort to the naysayers questioning the legitimacy of his jaw-dropping miracles that recently went viral.

Pastor Eze, recently crowned as Nigeria’s richest content creator, couldn’t contain his emotion at his “New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declaration” (NSPPD) conference in Twickenham Stadium, UK, when a young girl, shackled to a wheelchair by cerebral palsy, miraculously rose and walked for the first time. The moment was nothing short of divine, yet skeptics were quick to pounce.

As whispers of these divine interventions being mere orchestrations spread like wildfire, one voice, in particular, rang louder than the rest—media personality Daddy Freeze.

With a tone dripping in mockery, Daddy Freeze dismissed the miracles as weak, insinuating they were nothing more than cleverly arranged spectacles. He went further, taunting the man of God by challenging him to perform the ultimate miracle—resurrecting late celebrities if he truly possesses the power of God he claims.

But Pastor Jerry Eze, undeterred and unbothered by the noise, stood firm in his faith and purpose. In a recent sermon, he made it clear that he has no time for petty distractions, labeling the criticisms as irrelevant chatter from those who do not understand the magnitude of God’s work.

With a steely resolve, he declared that his focus remains solely on fulfilling the divine mission assigned to him by God, and no amount of skepticism can shake that commitment.

Eze also marveled at the audacity of those who dared to question the authenticity of the miracles witnessed at the UK conference, where even the families of those healed testified to the life-changing power of God.


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