Why Nigeria is collateral damage – Burna Boy explains in viral interview (VIDEO)

There is a haunting tragedy in Burna Boy's voice as he recounts the origins of his homeland, Nigeria—a nation, he claimed was not born of consensus or a collective dream but forged in the fiery crucible of colonial ambition. He peeled back the layers of romanticized history to reveal a grim reality: Nigeria, according to him, was nothing more than a pawn in a larger game, a mere transaction to satiate the insatiable greed of those who viewed the world as their chessboard

Globally acclaimed Afro-fusion icon Damini Ogulu, widely known as Burna Boy, recently delivered a fiery statement on Nigeria’s very existence, boldly questioning why the country was ever meant to be.

In a gripping conversation with Tidal, the African Giant laid bare his thoughts, arguing that Nigeria’s diverse cultural tapestry has been twisted into a curse rather than a blessing, stunting the nation’s growth and cohesion.

Burna Boy didn’t shy away from speaking uncomfortable truths. He argued that the formation of Nigeria was nothing more than a cold, calculated business maneuver orchestrated by the British—a profit-driven conquest that cared little for the people who called the land home.

He delved into the dark history, revealing how the territory we now call Nigeria was initially referred to as the Niger Area, a mere piece of real estate to be traded.

According to him, the Royal Niger Company, with its eyes set on domination and profit, acquired this land, but it wasn’t enough for them. He said they pushed further, blending the North and South in a reckless amalgamation, ignoring the stark differences and the vibrant cultures that thrived separately.

This ill-conceived merger, Burna averred, was the true genesis of Nigeria, a nation born not out of unity or shared vision but from a misguided act of colonial greed.

The Afro-fusion superstar didn’t stop there. He pointed out with razor-sharp clarity that during the amalgamation, neither the British overlords nor the profiteering Royal Niger Company gave a damn about the indigenous people who had lived and thrived in those lands for centuries.

The music star asserted that, to those foreign powers, the millions of souls inhabiting the Niger Area were nothing but collateral damage, expendable pawns in a colonial game.

Burna Boy’s raw exposition has sparked a fierce debate, forcing many to confront the uncomfortable truths about Nigeria’s origin—a tale not of destiny but of exploitation and indifference.


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