“Why a lot of women go for body enhancement” – Radio presenter Lolo1 reveals

Lolo1 Speaks About Body Enhancement , Image, Self-acceptance, And The Societal Factors That Shape Our Perceptions of Beauty.

Nigerian radio presenter and actress Lolo1 has shared her thoughts on why many women opt for body enhancement procedures.

In a recent conversation on her podcast, Lolo1 acknowledged that body enhancement has become a common practice among women.

She revealed that her own experience with body image, particularly regarding her breast size, led her to consider surgery.


Lolo1 shared that she faced sexual harassment due to her larger breasts, which made her feel self-conscious and insecure.

Lolo1 emphasized that many women who undergo body enhancement procedures are often driven by feelings of insecurity and trauma.

She also pointed out that societal pressure, particularly from men, plays a significant role in influencing women’s decisions to modify their bodies.

Lolo1 highlighted the complexities surrounding body enhancement, encouraging a more nuanced understanding of the motivations behind these choices.

In her words:

Whether you like it or not, it has become a norm; we are talking Body Enhancement. If I could have afforded it, I would have done breast reduction when I was younger because I had more boobs than girls my age at that time, and I didn’t see it as a symbol. Growing up, I got a lot of negative attention for it. Do you know how long I have been sexualized?

I can tell you that many of the women who do body modification feel insecure.

When you say a woman is insecure, it is always a response to some kind of trauma. The major part is men make you feel that way”.

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