Ray Emodi addresses claims of dating Destiny Etiko, Ebube Nwagbo, others in video to female celebrity crush

In the storm of swirling rumors and salacious gossip, Ray Emodi’s heartfelt confession emerges as a beacon of authenticity. Addressing the whispers of romance with Destiny Etiko, Chinenye Nnebe, and Ebube Nwagbo, he delivers a poignant message to his female celebrity crush, revealing the raw, unvarnished truth of his emotions

Nigerian actor Ray Emodi, known for his irresistible charm and dazzling presence, ignited a firestorm of online buzz with his response to accusations of being a notorious playboy involved with multiple female colleagues.

In a move that electrified social media, Emodi took to his official Facebook page to unveil a revealing video he sent to a mystery female celebrity who has recently captured his heart and captured his imagination.

In the steamy video, Emodi laid his emotions bare, expressing his genuine affection and unfiltered desire for this enchanting star.

As he passionately confessed his feelings, he also tackled the swirling rumors about his supposed dalliances with an array of actresses, including Destiny Etiko, Ebube Nwagbo, and Chinenye Nnebe.

With a resolute tone, Emodi dismissed these claims, insisting that his heart beats only for this special woman who has bewitched him.

To spice things up even further, Emodi captioned the tantalizing video with a playful challenge for his fans to guess the identity of the female celebrity who has enthralled him.

He wrote;

“I sent this to a female celebrity, guess who?”

The comments section exploded with speculation and excitement, as fans eagerly dropped names and theories, each more intriguing than the last.


Earlier this year, Ray Emodi finally broke his silence on the intense speculation surrounding his relationship with actress Destiny Etiko.

He delved into the scandalous details of a photo that had set tongues wagging years ago, a snapshot of him seemingly mesmerized by Etiko’s curves while standing close behind her..


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