Daddy Freeze takes sides in Pastor Damina and Enenche beef; presents video evidence

In a world where spiritual leaders stand on pedestals of moral authority, two titans clash with words sharp as daggers, and amidst this battlefield of beliefs, a lone voice emerges—Daddy Freeze, not as a peacemaker, but as an agent of chaos, a truth-teller with a penchant for controversy

Renowned Nigerian media personality, Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as Daddy Freeze, has taken the center stage in the fiery showdown between prominent clerics Paul Enenche and Abel Damina, passionately revealing his chosen side in this explosive feud.

WITHIN NIGERIA had earlier reported on the escalating tensions between these two influential men of God. Dr. Abel Damina, the Founder and President of Abel Damina Ministries International (ADMI), delivered a scathing sermon aimed directly at Pastor Paul Enenche, the Senior Pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC).

Damina accused Enenche of biting the hand that once fed him, claimed that Enenche had shown nothing but disrespect after he had graciously ordained him as his spiritual son and even guided him in establishing his own church.

In a fiery rebuttal that crackled with disdain, Enenche mocked Damina for his dwindling congregation, a not-so-subtle jab at Damina’s perceived failings after many years in the ministry.

Into this inferno walked Daddy Freeze, clearly amused by the drama unfolding. In a recent video, Freeze weighed in with his characteristic boldness, chuckling at Enenche’s brazen dismissal of Damina’s spiritual authority.

With a theatrical flourish, he presented alleged documents supposedly proving Abel Damina’s role as a joint signatory to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) registration for Enenche’s church, further adding fuel to the fire.

But Freeze wasn’t done there. He launched into a blistering critique of Enenche, lambasting him for his mockery of Damina’s struggles with his congregation.

Freeze passionately defended Damina, praising him as one of the few pastors unafraid to speak the truth in an age where many hide behind platitudes and prosperity gospels.

According to Freeze, standing on the side of truth, as Damina does, comes with a price: the inevitable loss of friends, followers, and acquaintances. Speaking from his own experience, Freeze declared that those who dare to challenge the status quo, like Damina, are bound to walk a lonely path.

With his characteristic fervor, Daddy Freeze then turned his attention back to Abel Damina, urging him to remain steadfast in his mission.

He advised Damina to continue preaching the unvarnished truth, no matter how many arrows of slander are aimed his way by other clerics who might be threatened by his boldness.


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