Rita Dominic, Hilda Baci, Timini, Nengi, others voice their concern over video of Idia Aisien with crutches

The sight of Idia Aisien, bound to crutches as a consequence of her catastrophic accident, unfolds a narrative of raw vulnerability that stirs the deepest corners of the heart. Her candid revelation of the accident’s aftermath, captured in hauntingly intimate videos and X-rays, reflects a journey of immense courage. The outpouring of concern from her celebrity colleagues—Rita Dominic, Timini Egbuson, and others—serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact of shared humanity, illustrating how collective empathy can transform individual suffering into a beacon of hope and solidarity

Nollywood’s brightest stars and Nigerian celebrities have come together in a powerful show of solidarity with actress Idia Aisien after she revealed a heart-wrenching update about her recent accident.

The acclaimed actress, who has been a beloved figure in the industry, shared the devastating news of her ghastly accident during what was supposed to be a relaxing holiday.

The tragedy left her with a leg fractured in three places, rendering her reliant on crutches and casting a shadow over her once vibrant life.

Idia Aisien opened up to her fans with a raw and emotional post, sharing X-rays that laid bare the severity of her injuries. Accompanying the stark images were videos detailing her painful hospital journey, a testament to the severity of the accident and her struggle.

The movie star, initially gripped by the fear that she might never again enjoy the activities she cherished, used her platform to not only highlight her own plight but also to shed light on the challenges faced by others in similar situations.

In a poignant turn of events, Idia Aisien vowed to turn her personal hardship into a beacon of hope for others. She has pledged to provide clothing and essential supplies for individuals with disabilities, aiming to improve their quality of life.

Additionally, she is committed to funding medical equipment for hospitals and rehabilitation centers, ensuring quicker responses and more effective surgeries for those in need.


In response to Idia’s present condition and selfless commitment, her colleagues in the entertainment industry, including Rita Dominic, Timini Egbuson, Nengi, Mercy Eke, and Hilda Baci, have flooded her comment section with heartfelt messages of concerns, support and well-wishes.


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