‘I am a Chosen’ is a nonsensical phrase – Patrick Doyle throws shade

Doyle’s impassioned words challenge the church's narrative and provoke a deeper conversation about the integrity of religious expressions in modern society, stirring up a whirlwind of reactions from supporters and detractors alike.

Patrick Doyle, the renowned Nigerian actor, has unleashed a fiery critique of the phrase “I am chosen,” frequently chanted by followers of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries.

In a bold Facebook post that has caught everyone’s attention, Doyle slammed the phrase as “nonsensical,” insisting that it strays far from authentic Christian doctrine.

He didn’t stop there; he went on to vehemently denounce the idea of linking this phrase with true Christian faith, deemed it nothing short of a mockery.

The phrase ‘I am a chosen,’ as used by members of the religious sect called ‘Chosen,’ should never be connected to the Body of Christ,” he wrote.

The members of this sect do not have Jesus in mind when they chant the phrase. Their adoration is unequivocally directed at a man, their GO, and the sect he founded. The phrase does not mention or even imply Jesus in any way.

“To infer that the nonsensical phrase is remotely connected to giving glory to the name or person of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is to make a mockery of our faith.

“Bloggers and content creators using the phrase are not mocking the Church of God but the sect in question and its founder.”


Last week, social media users shared old clips of congregants recounting their miraculous experiences.

In one video, an elderly woman claimed four armed robbers attacked her but miraculously gained control of their guns, leading to the arrest of three of the assailants.

A man alleged that a lion rescued him from kidnappers by lifting him into the air and guiding him to safety.

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