“I have remained celibate for over a year”- Blessing CEO

Blessing CEO Opens Up on Reason Why She Has Been Celibate for Over a Year

Relationship expert and social media influencer, Blessing CEO, has shared her personal story of celibacy and self-discovery.

In a recent Instagram video, she opened up about a traumatic experience from her past relationship that has had a profound impact on her life and perspective on men.

Blessing CEO

Blessing CEO revealed that her former partner, whom she met at a supermarket, was gay, leading her to reevaluate her relationships with men.

This experience according to her, prompted her to choose celibacy, which has now lasted for over a year.

Blessing CEO said:

” I’ve been celibate for one year and six months. The reason i chose celibacy is that i was upset with the male gender after my last relationship. I discovered that my ex-partner was gay”.

In another story, Blessing CEO opens up on why she got married at age 18 .

During an appearance on the ‘ThisIsPop’ podcast, she discussed her personal experiences and the factors contributing to the rise in marriage failures today.

Blessing CEO explained that her decision to marry at the young age of 18 stemmed from a lack of parental love and support.

She revealed that began dating at 15, seeking affection and validation that she felt was missing from her home environment.

This early pursuit of romantic relationships eventually led to her marriage, which, despite her hopes, did not last.

Reflecting on the differences between past and present marital practices, Blessing CEO noted that marriages were once characterized by a thorough vetting process.

Families would conduct detailed inquiries and investigations into the backgrounds of potential partners, ensuring a greater degree of stability and compatibility.

According to Blessing CEO, the absence of this approach in contemporary marriages contributes to their frequent breakdowns.

In her podcast appearance, Blessing CEO emphasized that many modern marriages are entered into spontaneously, without the necessary groundwork and understanding.

This lack of preparation and the absence of family involvement, she argues, are key reasons why many marriages today fail.

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