Pastor Chris recounts suspension for preaching ‘tithe not a must’

Pastor Chris Rock Recounts Suspension for Challenging Tithing Views

Nigerian Clergyman, Pastor Dr. Cephas Chris Walker Rock, has shared his experience of being suspended from his former church for questioning the traditional views on tithing.

This revelation came in response to Pastor Adeboye’s recent apology for his previous teachings on tithing.

Dr. Chris Rock explained that he was reported to church authorities in 2011 for teaching that tithing was an old Jewish tradition and not a requirement for salvation or avoiding hell.

Pastor Chris

He emphasized that his stance was not against giving but rather against the manipulation of believers to give out of fear.

He said:

In 2011, I said this in a church service that no none Tithers will go to hell. I know where that came from. “Can a man rob God?” So if you rob God your tithe, you will go to hell as thief. Doesn’t it sound logical?
I said that is lies that if you don’t tithe, life won’t be tight for you and neither will you go to hell.

But church members should be committed in giving for up keep of the church through free donations, gifts and self convinced seed sowing. Not the one one manipulate them to give.

I went on to show that tithe is not the prerequisites of heaven or has anything to do with our salvation in Christ. I said that Christ is the center of eternal life while tithe is just an age long practice before the Law.

I made it clear that king Melchizedek did not in any place asked Abraham to pay him tithe. Rather it was Abraham who gave him Tithe out of joy, conviction and revelation of God to show his submission to God. Note after Melchizedek had given him Brea and wine which symbolizes, strength, courage, food and joy to mention few.

“I said also that Abraham didn’t give tithe to him again to the best of my knowledge and from scriptural account. Tithe became law when Israel came back from Egypt but tithing practice was never a law. But Pentecostalism made it a must to do because it favours them. So everything was added by preachers of mammon to make it look dreadful if you don’t pay tithe.
Tithe should be given by personal understanding and revelation and not by law or paying as if you owe anything.

“A pastor who was in that service that day by name Raymond reported me to my superiors and I was queried, suspended and warned not to say that again. But the found of the ministry I was then came up on a Wednesday business meeting to abolish tithe keeping record that was order of the day. And he commanded us to emphasize on Christ and his gracious work and not Law. In his word he said “we are no longer on mount Sinai but at the resurrection of Jesus. We should allow people to give out of understanding and revelation”.

“I was vindicated but yet, he wasn’t in all church’s to know what goes on.
I continued I teaching people on one on one that tithe is not a do or die.”

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