Stop backstabbing each other; enough with the fake love – Tope Alabi blasts fellow gospel singers at an event

The moment success and recognition becomes a cause for bitterness instead of inspiration, the seeds of jealousy are sown, and soon, unity is strangled by silent conflicts. Tope Alabi’s call for an end to envy and fake love in the industry speaks to every one of us: respect and kindness should be our foundation. If we abandon these values, we risk losing not just our career values, but our own humanity.

A new video capturing Nigeria’s acclaimed gospel icon, Tope Alabi, in a passionate outburst, has sent waves through social media, as she unleashed a fiery critique of her fellow gospel artists, accusing them of waging war against each other.

In a tone filled with exasperation, Tope did not mince words as she took aim at the toxic behaviors she believes are tainting the gospel music industry.

The scene unfolded at the “Celebrating Jesus 7.0” concert, organized by Zamar Ministries in Ibadan, where Tope Alabi and other top gospel stars were set to light up the stage. But Tope seized this moment for more than just a performance.

As she took the mic, her powerful voice didn’t just sing praises; it voiced an unfiltered truth. Tope aired her deep frustration over the jealousy, fake love, and bitter rivalries she has witnessed among her peers.

With her words reverberating through the venue, she exposed a troubling reality: an industry once bound by faith and unity is now rife with backstabbing and insincerity.

The Singer openly criticized the industry’s biggest names, accusing them of seeing themselves as too high and mighty, distancing themselves from younger talents and emerging voices instead of nurturing them.

Her words hit hard as she described how these gospel veterans have turned against each other, embroiled in silent battles, a trend that the up-and-coming artists are now mirroring.

Tope Alabi’s message grew even more profound as she called for a collective introspection. She reminded her peers that life is fleeting and that, regardless of fame, they are all marching toward the inevitable—a final reckoning before God.

She urged them to strip away the false pretenses, abandon the petty rivalries, and remember that their legacies, not just their hits, will be weighed in the end.


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