Nigerian animation production company, Komotion Studios has released character posters for its 3D animation film ‘Dawn of Thunder: Origin of...
The newest movie from Netflix and EbonyLife, “Elesin Oba, The King's Horseman," will have its world premiere at the Toronto...
‘The Ghost and the House of Truth,’ Temple Film’s 2019 award-winning film is now available for streaming on BETplus. Akin...
The official trailer for TNC Africa's highly anticipated ‘Little Black Book 2’ has just been released, and as to be...
Nollywood actress, Kemi Korede no doubt held a spectacular birthday party over the weekend. The Yoruba actress who clocked a...
Nollywood actress and mother of four, Onyinye Okafor has opened up how her ‘wrong’ choice of marriage, helped mould her....
The official trailer for Anthill Studios' steamy new film, 'Hey, You!' which has been confirmed for a release in July...
Nollywood actor, Jidekene Kenechukwu Achufusi also known as Swanky JKA in a recent interview, has opened up on how he copes with...
Actress Patience Ozokwo says she misses filming on set with veteran actor Olu Jacobs. The 63-year-old said this at the...
Nollywood veteran actor and president of the Golden Movie Ambassadors of Nigeria, Saidi Balogun has criticized his colleagues who take...
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