The season finale of popular Tv show, 'Inside Life With Erica', was aired on Wednesday, July 28th. The show is...
Big Brother gave the housemates a hard task of locating two wild cards in the house. The wild card assures...
Big Brother Naija Season 6 Housemate, Beatrice pranked her fellow housemates as she faked being lifeless for a minute. The...
After being lauded by Benue State government for his brilliant performance in the just concluded tv show, Nigerian Idol, Governor,...
The BBNaija Season 6 Housemates are becoming familiar with each other and they've been at each other's throats of late....
There is so much tension in the air as Big Brother Naija Season 6 Housemates are not ready to tolerate...
The Big Brother Naija 'Shine Ya Eye' edition is getting interesting as housemates weigh in on the love triangles in...
Big Brother Naija Season 6 Housemate, Angel has expressed how deeply hurt she felt after her clash with fellow housemates,...
Former Aviation Minister and PDP chieftain, Femi Fani Kayode has revealed on his social media page that he fully endorsed...
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