Woman breaks Guinness World Records after giving birth to 9 babies at once

A young mother from Mali, Halima Cissé, has achieved a remarkable feat by breaking the Guinness World Record for giving birth to nine healthy babies simultaneously.

The birth took place on May 4, 2021.

Initially, doctors anticipated the delivery of seven babies, but upon Halima’s transfer to the Ain Borja Clinic in Morocco for specialized care, two additional babies were discovered. The premature birth of the nonuplets occurred via a caesarean section during Halima’s 30th week of pregnancy.

The nonuplets consist of five girls and four boys, named Adama, Oumou, Hawa, Kadidia, Fatouma, Oumar, Elhadji, Bah, and Mohammed VI. Following their stay in Morocco, the children and their mother have since returned to Mali, as reported by the BBC.

Abdelkader Arby, the father, mentioned that each baby possesses a distinct personality, with some being calm, while others are more vocal and cry frequently. He added that their differences are entirely normal.

During Halima’s pregnancy, the Malian government provided support for her medical care and arranged her transportation to Morocco. Abdelkader Arby admitted that although caring for the nonuplets is a demanding task, he has faith that they will receive divine assistance in raising and nurturing them.

Prior to the birth of the nonuplets, the couple already had a 3-year-old daughter. The remarkable nature of this event has captivated global attention, with many expressing awe at Halima’s ability to carry and deliver nine babies at once.

The Guinness World Record has officially recognized Halima Cissé’s delivery of nonuplets as the first documented case of a woman giving birth to nine babies simultaneously.

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