“Pay my percentage or else” – Fetish priestess calls out clients over refusal to share profits after cash out

Female fetish priest warns clients to pay up or face consequences (Video)

Female fetish priest warns clients to pay up or face consequences (Video)

In a startling video that has taken social media by storm, an unnamed fetish priestess has issued a stern warning to her clients who have reportedly neglected to fulfill their end of a bargain after benefiting from her alleged voodoo rituals.

The spiritualist claims to have conducted rituals that led to their financial success and prosperity, with the clients agreeing to share a portion of their earnings with her in return.

The viral video features the unidentified woman describing her purported role in the clients’ newfound wealth and condemning their failure to honor their commitment.

She asserts that despite their pledge to provide her with a designated percentage of their earnings, the clients have chosen to renege on their word.

Issuing an ominous ultimatum, the spiritualist has given the delinquent clients until December to voluntarily deliver her share of their accumulated wealth.

She warns that failure to comply will result in dire consequences that she is prepared to invoke, promising an unspecified series of unfortunate events that await them.

See below;

In related story, A demolition exercise being conducted by the government in the Nima district of Ghana was interrupted when local youths summoned a fetish priest to intervene.

The priest, adorned in traditional regalia, attempted to halt the operation by pouring fetish liquid on a caterpillar bulldozer involved in the demolition.

However, the intervention took an unexpected twist as law enforcement swiftly apprehended the priest on charges of obstructing official proceedings.

According to a Twitter user known as Aboagyle, who documented the incident, tensions were high as government officials proceeded with the demolition exercise in Nima.

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